The Book
Italy Awaits, With or Without
a Plane Ticket!
Like a delightful passeggiata L◆D◆V◆U lets you explore, at your leisure and pleasure, fascinating aspects of Italy’s cuisine, history, art, traditions, style, legendary personalities, and so much more. Even the most sophisticated Italophile will discover stunning new facts and illuminating new insights in its pages. Charmingly illustrated, La Dolce Vita University brings Italy to life with wit, exuberance and joy—a celebration of why we love Italy.
New Expanded 2nd Edition
- Over 60 new mini-essays
- Over 40 additional illustrations
- A special Afterward
- For over 125 pages of new content
New topics include: Armani vs. Versace, A Day at the Colosseum, Fast Food in Pompeii, Hollywood on the Tiber, Kissing the Joy, The Lost Leonardo, Love, Lust and Lavazza, Miracle in Matera, Naples: Beauty or Beast?, Negroni Fever, Nuns and Concubines, Renaissance Pleasure Palace, Spaghetti Westerns, Turnstile to Heaven, Unicorns, Dragons and Snails, The Virgil Birth, Why the Tower Leans, You’ve Come a Long Way Santa and many more!
Robert N. Watson, PhD.
Distinguished Professor of English,
Associate Vice-Provost for Educational Innovation, UCLA
“The chocolates are alphabetically listed, described and presented beautifully, and offered as something to dip into as you wish. You open it, choose the one you think you will like best, then another, and another. Suddenly it’s gone.
“Because Carla wears her scholarship lightly, you don’t feel over full, but what a feast!”
Denise Scott Brown RIBA, Int. FRIBA
Winner of the Jane Drew Prize for Women in Architecture
Chef Bert Cutino, CEC, AAC, HOF, WCMC
Co-Founder/COO, The Sardine Factory Restaurant, Cannery Row, Monterey, CA
UFF. Cav. Dr. Joseph Scelsa
Founder & President of the Italian American Museum Professor Emeritus Queen’s College and City University of New York
Allison Scola
Owner and Curator, Experience Sicily and The Cannoli Crawl
Joan Tucci
Co-Author, The Tucci Cookbook
Cristiano Bonino
Founder, Food, Stories, Travel
Lauren Hefferon
Founder, Ciclismo Classico
Author’s Note The mini-essays of L◆D◆V◆U each explore a topic that I found surprising, intriguing, quirky, fun, or some combination of those qualities. Collectively they begin to express what I find so endlessly captivating about “the Boot.”
Their organization appears alphabetical. But nothing is quite that straightforward when it comes to Italy. Even if you choose to read the book sequentially you may feel as though you’re wandering the mysterious alleys of a medieval town or along the serpentine canals of La Serenissima. Unexpected connections emerge and fresh discoveries await around each corner. Or perhaps you’ll choose to dip in and out at random. Either way—you’re in Italia!—enjoy the passeggiata. It will lead you to marvelous revelations, as it has, on my own journey, for me.
Italy is a glorious and fascinating mosaic. Consider the passages of my opus as some of its glittering tesserae.
– Carla Gambescia –