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The Allure of Italy

January 26, 2022
The Allure of Italy
7:00 PM
Mountainside Public Library, Mountainside, NJ

The Allure of Italy

What is it about Italy? Cultural superpower yet merely a mountainous Mediterranean peninsula, Italy has exerted an outsized force on the world, Western civilization and the popular imagination over the course of millennia. Explore the alchemy of Italy and the “cultural DNA” that has made Italy not only so influential, but also so beloved. In this inspiring lecture, which somehow manages to capture the essence of Italy’s rich cultural history in under an hour, you will discover fascinating insights about the “Boot’s” long history and enduring allure.

Click here to Register for the virtual lecture…

Event details

Date: 26 January 2022.
Time: 7:00 PM
Venue: Mountainside Public Library, Mountainside, NJ
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